Articles of Interest
Moving Beyond Gender Disparities: A Call to Action for Gender Parity and Equity
EM has work to do on gender equity and gender parity.
The Role of Women's Consortia in the Advancement of Women in Academic Emergency Medicine
Women’s consortia are a key to achieving gender parity in EM.
Using the Rank Equity Index to Measure Emergency Medicine Faculty Rank Progression
Findings show that Asian women and Black men experience the most rank inequity.
Presence and Comprehensiveness of Antibullying Policies for Faculty at US Medical Schools
How many US medical schools are tackling the problem of bullying?
Physician Men Leaders in Emergency Medicine Bearing Witness to Gender-Based Discrimination
How men physicians respond to gender-based discrimination.
Gender Differences in the Experiences of Leadership Emergence Among Emergency Medicine Department Chairs
Data-driven research on women and diverse leaders in healthcare
Inspiration from Trailblazing Women in Healthcare
Women in healthcare – be ready for inspiration!